This site is intended as a portal to a sanctuary of peace, joy, harmony, self discovery and empowered living. My purpose is to serve as a guide on your journey to your own divine wisdom and knowingness.
I'm a transformational teacher, energy healer and spiritual cheerleader. My desire in life is for a world that is loving, caring and accepting of all of us in our unique and diverse expressions. A unified world, an enlightened world. A world free of judgement, struggle, hatred and all of the things that separation brings with it.
Coaching is my way of supporting you to find the path back to your true essence.
By identifying and clearing through the layers of limiting beliefs that we have accumulated during this lifetime, we can unveil the incredible essence of who we are, thus bringing clarity in our personal lives, professional lives and in spiritual path.
Reiko Maa sees healing as a remembrance of who we are. As we remember our blueprint of perfection - and that we are spiritual beings manifesting life here on planet Earth( through our physical bodies), we reactivate our connection to our divinity, guiding us back into balance at all levels: body, mind and spirit.
We can then be here on Earth, with the knowingness that we are eternal cosmic beings, and therefore live life in our fullness. Fullness of purpose, of vitality, and as an inspiration of Source. We become all of who we are.
This stream holds the knowledge of who we are, where we come from, our full potential - and all of the wisdom of the seen and unseen realms that we have accumulated over the eons of our existence.
When we connect with that stream, and let go of the limitations and expectations that have been bestowed upon us from our culture, our environment and this third dimensional reality, we tap into the unlimited energy of possibilities of the universe, and manifest a life that we deeply desire.
"Margi's guide was kick-ass indeed and quite literally changed how I show up on social." - Jen Olmstead
oh la la!
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